Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Safar - WIP

Starting on my next one. Still don't have the eyes right but getting there.
This is Safar!
Again it will be a graphite drawing on 9 x 12 Strathmore Bristol Smooth

Yesterday's image
 Today's image
I think the prelim drawing is now complete for Safar. Now I need to get him transferred to the Strathmore Bristol Smooth paper and get going on him. Of course I had to darken the image so you could actually see the drawing.
His mom wants me to put mischief in his eyes LOL. Hopefully I can do him justice. Does he look mischievous to you?
Hope you like it!


Evan Finished!

YAY Medicine is all finished! I can see clearly again and the irritation is gone
I apologize for the delay!
Here is Evan completed and signed!
I really had a lot of fun drawing him with those wispy ears.
What a beautiful boy!
Hope you like him 

9x12 Graphite
Strathmore Bristol Smooth
Completed: 9/23/2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I just realized I never posted this announcement on here! I apologize for that oversight ( no pun intended lol )
This was last week:
Evan is still set aside and I had started on my next one which is a nice flea bitten chestnut but now I'm dealing with a double eye infection and because I have to put salve in my eyes twice a day for 10 days, I'm sort of grounded on being able to draw right now but I will get back to it as soon as possible though.

This is Monday 9/16/2013:
Another five days to go with the eye medicine but at least the eyes are starting to feel better! The medicine is a salve so it makes seeing clearly a definite challenge right now!
Hopefully back to drawing next week!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Evan WIP Update 8

Using my newly purchased Tombow Mono Zero eraser, hopefully a steady hand and a prayer, the whiskers are now in. I'm always terrified I'm going to mess the entire thing up putting them in but they always seem to come out OK.  Am I the only one that feels this way?  Do you have the same fears?
I also brightened some of Evan's highlights with the Tombow.

I believe Evan's finished but will set him aside for a couple of days and then see.
Hope you like it!

Thanks for stopping by :)

Evan WIP Update 7

Stepped backwards and removed a lot of the graphite under that ear!
YIKES was that a scary thing to do. 

Then attempted to put it all back.
I'm much happier with the wispy hair and also the white patch on his back. 

Hope you like it!

Thanks for stopping  by :)


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Evan WIP Update 6

Getting Evan's Left ear Wispy bits along with his body is proving to be a challenge. Created a lot of soft edges and tried to also create some hard edges to try and maintain some order.
I was also having quite the challenge to keep the little white patch of hair that Evan seems to have. The wispy bits go over the top of it but keeping dark above white is really something I was struggling with tonight.
I think I've got it now though :)
Hope you like it!

Thanks for stopping by :)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Evan WIP Update 5

Tonight's update is adding more of Evan's body and getting that part of the multi-colored upswinging tail that shows in.
I didn't work on this a lot today but here is what I got done.
Hope you like it!

Thanks for stopping by :)