Monday, March 4, 2019

Britt - WIP Graphite

While I'm doing the cute little otter, I'm also working on a Graphite portrait of a gorgeous Brittany Spaniel Dog.
I start with laying in the lighter shading then slowly layer more graphite unless it's the darkest area, then I just go in with the darks.
Currently, 2B, 3B, 4B, and Prismacolor Ebony are on this portrait.

Hope you like it so far!

I also have Youtube Videos of this drawing in progress mostly in real-time but some time-lapse footage as well.
Where I'm sharing tricks and tips for creating realistic drawings in graphite.
Go check out my Youtube Channel

Thanks for stopping by :)

Otter Watercolor - WIP

I'm now doing a cute little watercolor painting of this Otter.
Isn't he the cutest!
This is actually a tutorial that I'm following "loosely" from Paul Hopkinson.
I started by laying in the wash for the water.
I don't have any frisket or masking fluid of any kind so I had to go around the areas instead of just be able to mask them off and paint right over the top.
That made it a little more challenging.
I also don't have a large mop brush or a Hake brush either.
Once I got the water laid down and dried, then I went for the eye.
Paul uses Lamp Black but I prefer to use my own mixture for Black.
So I used Alizarin Crimson, Burnt Umber, and Ultramarine Blue.
He also uses Acrylic White which I don't have.

For the Shadow areas on the fur, Paul's direction were to paint the hair in first then do a lamp black wash over them after they are completely dry.
I chose to paint the darker shadows first as a wash then add details over the wash.
I did try his technique on one of the leaf shadows.  Can you tell which one?

I still have a ways to go with this one but really liking the results I'm getting so far.

Hope you like it so far.
Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Digital Painting Horse Eye - Final

Hello Everybody!

I finished my 1st ever Digital Painting.
Reference Image used with permission from Jess Hannah :)

I did this entire Digital Painting on my IPAD Pro using ProCreate.
I really like the portability of being able to take it anywhere and work on painting. Oh and the cleanup was a snap ;)
It was a great learning experience and I'm sure it will not be my last piece to do.
I learned how to use a brush, I even learned how to create a custom brush.
I did almost this entire painting on one layer just like if using Colored Pencils on paper or Watercolor paining on paper with a brush.

I finally did create a single layer to finish off the horses hair because I was afraid I was going to mess up what I was already happy with creating.
So then I learned how to merge layers.
Don't get me wrong, this painting was not without a lot of mistakes.
So, I also learned how valuable the undo button is.

I hope you like it!
Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, January 4, 2019

Digital Painting - Horse Eye WIP

Hello Everybody!

So, I've started to explore the world of Digital Art.
I have ProCreate on my IPAD PRO and decided to play with it.
I'm probably not using it the way most digital artists do since I'm not making layers, using stamp tools, etc.  I'm just treating it as a piece of paper and I'm using a brush and blending brush to accomplish what I have done so far.  A lot of layers with different colors, just like what I do with my watercolor paintings or my colored pencils drawings/paintings.

This is a WallEye horse with this gorgeous blue eye.  Photo is used with permission from Jess Hannah. This is a screen shot of my drawing in Procreate so far.
I hope you like it!

Thanks for stopping by :)

Casino - PastelMat - FINISHED

Hello Everybody!
Here is Casino's portrait completed.
I learned so much working on this portrait.
Really looking forward to my next piece on PastelMat.
Hope you like it!
Thanks for stopping by :)

Casino WIP PastelMat 4

Hello Everybody!

Here is the rest of Casino's WIP progress, I actually finished this before 2019 started.

Hope you find this helpful!
Worked on his chest and shoulder quite a bit. Can you see the difference between these two images?
Hope you like it so far!
Thanks for stopping by :)