Saturday, May 3, 2014

Pug Eyes

Still working on the pug painting. Put more time into it last night.
Was supposed to get this done before the end of the month because "technically" the class ended at the end of April but we are still able to continue and post....I wish I had the best of both worlds! All the time I want to spend riding my horse and doing my art as well as what my new job gives me 
Oh well, as the saying goes, you can't have everything! So, I work on my art when I can and ride my horse when I can :)

Hope you like it!!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Its looking really good Peggy and you just can't rush the eyes because if they aren't right the portrait won't work.

    There really aren't enough hours in the day though LOL

    1. Thanks Sue! I appreciate you stopping by and commenting. :)
      If we could only figure out how to add more LOL :-P

  2. Wow it looks real already! Great work! :)

    1. Thanks Sarah! I appreciate your comments :)


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